
Every child is gifted with the necessity to create. The possibility of painting, making applications, shaping, decorating stimulates the talent and the imagination, but the child’s brain as well. There is an own world of beauty and dreams through art. Using different techniques, knacks and materials the children become more skilled and sensitive for harmony. The fun and the pleasure in every lesson are making the integration easier and produce a sense of freedom.

Time of the activity: January 2015 – June 2015

As a therapy, the music has an undeniable influence. The positive emotions that the music brings make the pressure lower, give joy and stimulate the creative activity. The musical instrument learning gives the opportunity for personal expression, self-confidence and high spirits. The individual approach assures a qualified mastery of the musical language.

Time of the activity: January 2015 – June 2015

Through singing children can express their feelings. They can show what they feel. Singing trains important qualities such as discipline, stability and it effects on the whole child’s growth. Singing in groups will make the children more sociable, communicative and they could make closer relationships.

Time of the activity: January 2015 – June 2015

Well-known is the fact that the music has a salutary influence over the human mind. Our voice is our natural musical instrument. There are emotions that could be free through singing, there is a euphoria and a lightness that could be felt. This is the magic of the art – releasing, inspiring and provocative experience.

Time of the activity: January 2015 – June 2015

It is a dynamic and interesting program, which brings a lot of high spirits, beauty and harmony. The classes are inspiring and they bring up love to dance, diligence and stability. Matching elements of different styles is unique and innovative and the atmosphere is euphoric. As a part of a group dance, children become physically active, they improve their strength and coordination, their communication and social adaptability become better. Proven fact is that the stress is reduced because of the dance and it gives peace of mind.

Time of the activity: January 2015 – June 2015

Learning the Bulgarian language as a foreigner has one main task: to be a bridge over the difficulties through the education and the successful integration of the children in the Bulgarian educational system. The program allows acquiring practical knowledge and skills, which will make easier the overcoming of the social and cross-cultural differences. Thus, the whole family will have an opportunity for the most perfect adaptation in the conditions of the Bulgarian society as well as possibilities to realize their intentions concerning their way of life, finding a job etc. Classes are conducted with a qualified specialist. There is an examination at the end of the course, which will guarantee a successful application for the Bulgarian schools and continuing their education.

Time of the course: January 2015 – December 2015

It is organized to assist the parents refugees concerning their participation in the “Transition with art and learning” project. The stay of children in the childcare’s center of Mission Salvation Foundation is accompanied with educational games, learning the Bulgarian language and singing. Being in a foreign language environment children, who are up to 6 years, have the opportunity to acquire Bulgarian language as their mother tongue. A proper pronunciation will be developed, the speech-thinking process will be perfect and the adaptation will become naturally and spontaneously. The program is in playing forms and it is in accordance with the child’s age.

Time of the activity: January 2015 – December 2015

The program is practical as whole: overcoming language barrier, adaptation and successful integration in the Bulgarian society, overcoming social and cross-cultural differences, opportunities for ideas, finding a job, way of life etc. Classes are conducted with a qualified specialist – a philologist. The program gives you the skills to read, write and speak Bulgarian at level A1-A2.

Time of the course: February 2015 – December 2015

It is quite important for modern people to use PC literate. The training course on the “Transition with art and learning” project gives the needed skills for a competent and effective use of PC. There are theoretical knowledge and practical abilities for assimilation and operation with MS Windows, MS Word, MS Excel, Internet, e-post.

Time of the course: March 2015 – May 2015

The course gives theoretical and practical training for professional qualification in tailoring. The course gives knowledge in the processes of production of textiles and clothing, work with basic types of machines, recognition and use of materials, manual and machine perform different types of operations etc.

Time of the course: January 2015 – October 2015

The training is organized in a real working environment. Its practical character requests the availability of specific techniques for doing professional functions and tasks. Except of the practical purposefulness, there is a theoretical learning and instructions for cultural behavior in the workplace.

Time of the course: January 2015 – October 2015

Social and psychological work for refugees and asylum-seekers support. These are planned meetings, in which the participants could share their personal experiences, problems, difficulties, confronted differences, impeded facts. The group is with the intention of giving a psychological support and opportunities for self-observation and introspection, which could suggest options for overcoming certain circumstances and stimulation of positive attitude towards the environment and the family inside. Participating in such groups could give emotional support, self-confidence and self-assessment could become higher, a satisfaction will be brought.

Time of the activity: March 2015 – May 2015

Organizations and immigrants support movements, representatives of State institutions, the parties concerned are expected to take part in the meetings. The object is to make analysis of the regulations, social politics and the practice of protection and integration of immigrants and asylum-seekers on the territory of Bulgaria. There will be a deliberation forum about problems and their solving. Presenting these discussions in public will increase the information and will bring whole immigrants groups out of ignorance or single precedents. It will improve the coordination between institutions and the parties concerned. The activity and the empathy of the civil society will be stimulated.

Time of the seminars-discussions: May 2015 and December 2015

Informal training, in which will be viewed good practices and perspectives for starting and developing own business by the immigrants in Bulgaria. There will be presented practical guidelines and advices for implementation of business ideas such as: motivation, building strategies, skills for starting a business, funding methods, projects management, innovative approaches, opportunities for cooperation etc.  There will be an interactive view of the entrepreneurial process with practical case studies, visual materials, roleplaying games.

Time of the seminar: September 2015

Information and training seminar with key topics such as: analysis of the labour market condition in Bulgaria and Europe, expected trends and capacity of development, regulatory framework, integration programs and employment of immigrants, vocational qualification and retraining, training on motivation, difficulties and opportunities for their resolving, practical guidelines and advices concerning the employability and career options for immigrants.

Time of the seminar: September 2015

In the concert will take part all the participants in the art activities from the project together with their teachers: Guitar lessons, Children Singing Groups, Adults Singing Groups, Latin American and Modern Dancing. The concerts will take place in the Concert Room at the “Palace of Happy People” center.

Time of the concert: July 2015


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